Saturday, April 18, 2015


A “lexicon” is something like a dictionary, but does not go into as much detail as the definitions; it is essentially a word-list of terms.  These are often useful tools for translators, because they show how particular words in a foreign language are used in specific settings.

I have found it necessary to include a number of lexicon notes to promote a full understanding of Biblical doctrines.  In addition, someone asked me a question a couple weeks ago about the way the word “Remember” is used in the Bible, and we’ll get to that as we go through this study.

What I am presenting for our consideration and education on this site is a list of words that appear in the Bible.  These words were chosen because they are often misunderstood by even sincere students of the Scriptures, and this has led to some unfortunate misunderstandings of doctrine, some errors in the development of character, and the rejection of much light.

I would like to make it clear that this is no fault of the Scriptures, and no fault of even the translators (for the most part) who were writing to an audience that would have understood the terms used in a manner often different than we now do.  In other words, language does change over time; the meanings of words do change over the years, and if we wish to have a pure speech in this last generation, we must understand the “mind of Christ” as it is expressed in the Bible record.

Now, the Word tells us that when the Almighty assembles His people and gathers the faithful nations, “then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of Yahweh, to serve Him with one consent.” (Zeph 3:9)  This brief statement contains a number of important concepts.

First, we see that we are to have a “pure language,” and the word for pure there has the connotations of: select, polished, chosen, purged, cleansed or made bright, tested or proven.  Second, we see that the result of such a manner of speech will lead men to “call upon the name of Yahweh” in a proper way, to praise Him and to seek His will.  Third, we see another effect, that those with such a language “serve Him with one consent.”  Now literally, and this is interesting, the word for “consent” there means “shoulder.”  The people of Yahweh with a pure language serve the Almighty with one “shoulder.”

What kind of picture Does this raises in your mind?

As some of you may have suggested, it is a leaning in together against something... not so much on each other, but against a common burden.

Like if you want to move a boulder, a big rock, you put your “shoulder” to it.  And all the people here described are as one “shoulder.”

Actually, in the Bible, the word “shoulder” has two uses.  It means to work with a burden, to carry something, (Psa 81:6, Isa 9:4) and is also a measure of height.  Today we would say that someone is six feet tall; in the days of the Kingdom of Israel, to indicate that someone was very tall they would say things like, “from his shoulders and upward he was higher than any of the people.” (1Sam 9:2)

So the people of Yahweh in the last days have a refined speech, and as a result they call on the name of their Father in Heaven in a holy manner, and they serve Him with one “shoulder,” with a unified effort to take “the burden of the word of Yahweh” (Mal 1:1) – another word for the Divine message – to the world.  It is a measure of their stature.

Here is the list of words, with associated meanings by use, and a short explanation of why a proper understanding is important; and please keep in mind that this is not a complete list.  If a word or a synonym occurs to you that you believe is often misunderstood, and not covered, make a note of it.   

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